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Search Lost & Found

Members: 71422

  • US Members: 28709
  • Reported Lost: 12325
  • Reported Stolen: 439
  • Reported Found: 1565
  • Reported Sighting: 216



ParrotAlert needs your help! needs you the community to help us help you, in case the need arises were you need to turn to a service like parrotalert, to help find and recover your lost or stolen parrot / bird.

As the old saying goes "A problem shared is a problem halved!".

By taking a few minutes of your time, register to offer your eyes and/or ears, even if you can't physically go out looking for a lost parrot or bird. The fact we network with people on a day to day basis and talk or overhear people saying things, a little bit of information can go a long way, just passing on what little you know can help the recovery process of a lost and found bird.

It’s "Safety in numbers". The more people we can alert, the more this will increase the chances of a safer recovery.

Register with us, so you can at least can become aware of losses and become our eyes and ears.
As you never know, you may need us one day!

Click to Register